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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

James Spader
the Emmy Award for
Lead Actor in a Drama Series
The Practice, Season 8
Broadcast September 19, 2004



Watch Emmy Presenter James Spader and Angelica Houston announce for Outstanding Directing.
Watch Acceptance clip (3:22) Watch Emmy Backstage interview with E!, includes brief red carpet & Good Morning, America. Watch (2:26; 5 mb)
William Shatner & Sharon Stone's Guest Actor/Actress Drama Wins with Access Hollywood clip of the Creative Emmy Awards.
Watch the Emmy nominations (3:37)

All Windows Media; streaming only for Spader Acceptance speech, presenter and backstage interivew; Access Hollywood can be downloaded

For clips and images from the Primetime Emmys and Creative Arts Emmys with William Shatner and Sharon Stone, both winning and as presenters, please visit Boston-Legal.org.

An eloquent man offered a gracious and disarming acceptance speech

"And the Emmy goes to: James Spader, The Practice"

"This is the first Emmy nomination and win for James Spader. Mr. Spader is Alan Shore on the ABC series The Practice."

Spader: "Oh, my goodness. You were right, I should have written something down, and I just have a continuous loop of confusing names in my head and none of the first match the last. You've all made wonderful choices in shoes and dresses tonight and you all look absolutely beautiful. I want to thank whoever it is who decides these things and, um, and David E. Kelley and all of the people who make The Practice - and very quickly, I just want to thank some of the women in my life, um, Toni Howard and Melanie Cook, and, uh, some of people on the show - Cameron Manheim, Jessica, uh, Rhona and Lake and Sharon and Betty and Jill and Lisa, and - <wrap it up message> Yes, I will. Ah, and I want to thank, uh, Jory and Debra and Kelly who do the hair and the makeup - I want to thank them most of all <audience laughs> And, ah, I want to thank my two sons Sebastian and Elijah and their wonderful mother Victoria. And I want to thank my girl, Leslie. Thank you so much."

The Practice Music Video: "Hey Dedham, Nice Shot!" Music Video from "Mr. Shore Goes To Town", the episode James Spader submitted for Emmy consideration. This video will give you a glimpse into why he won.

Alan Shore (James Spader) wins freedom for friend Paul Stewart in the town where he grew up.  (8:45 min.)

Music: Filter "Hey Man, Nice Shot"

Play "Hey Dedham, Nice Shot" (13 mb download)
Streaming - Low   Download - Low  (8 mb download)
Download - High Quality (50 mb download)
Just because this is weird and its the first online headline I saw after Spader won:


James Spader wins the Emmy! Original photo: Variety Magazine, 8/18/04Original photo: Variety Magazine, 8/18/04; Image was manipulated to replace a wine glass with Emmy. This image is speculative & wishful in nature and no harm is meant to Variety, Spader or his nominated colleagues.


Why do we love Spader's Alan Shore? Read one persons reason:

"No mistake in nominating James Spader as best actor in a drama. He's been a best actor in just about everything he's ever done, and he's got a long career.

James deserves the nomination; he deserves the award.

Alan Shore is intriguing, beguiling, ornery, frightening, funny, sexy, quirky, scary, lovable, despicable, mysterious, vindictive, hateable, dangerous, pouty, fierce, huggable, endearing, appalling, touching... "

Spader to Jay Leno, Oct. 8, 2004: (referring to the morning after the Emmys) I watched the tape - because I was so interested in what the hell I said when I got up there - so I watched the next day. And, you know, I'd see other people, you know, like Matthew Broderick when Sarah Jessica Parker won. Or like Diane Sawyer when Mike Nichols won. They're all very calm and collected and cool - and very, you know, sophisticated and everything. And you look over and they cut to my group - it's like I brought in a family of gypsies that are, like, crying and wailing and screaming and laughing and clutching each other. The seat fillers behind are getting involved. You can't see, but just off to the edge there in the aisle they've slaughtered a goat.

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