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Revisionist History of James Spader

What casting director should have been fired because he didn't cast Spader?  This is our attempt to rewrite movie history placing my favorite actor in some of my favorite roles.  After all, aren't movies nothing more than a technologically advanced version of our private imagination?  Ideas? Please contact us.

Revisionist History... or predicting the future of The Firm? The Firm, the new ABC Series for Fall 2004

Revisionist History... or predicting the future of The Firm?

We hear David E. Kelley's new series is hiring writers and researching storylines, so we can't help ourselves. I was inspired to create this promo by a story a friend posted at the James Spader Meeting Place. In summary, Denny Crane invites Alan Shore to head up the LA office of his firm, which doesn't sit well with the attorneys running the practice - Andrew McCarthy and Robert Downey, Jr. Lucy Lui helps flesh out Alan Shores back story as his ex-wife.

Revisionist History - if Spader replaced Jean Reno in The Professional "The Professional"

Revisionist History - if Spader replaced Jean Reno in The Professional.

The fab 1994 hit man movie was glorious. Spader would play Jean Reno's part. "Professional assassin reluctantly takes care of 12-year-old girl and teaches her his trade." It seems perfect since Michael Badalucco (Berlutti of The Practice) was also in the flick.

Revisionist History - if Spader replaced Cusak in Grosse Pointe Blank "Grosse Pointe Blank"

Revisionist History - if Spader replaced Cusak in Grosse Pointe Blank.

"Martin Blank (James Spader) is a professional assassin. He is sent on a mission to the same town of his high school reunion. Mayhem ensues". Spader later rejoins Minnie Driver in Slow Burn.

Aside: Grosse Pointe Blank...The Professional... Do you detect a fantasy theme of mine? Cold killer becomes conflicted, then discovers his heart. These characters have Spader written all over them.





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