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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Filmography and Six Degrees of Spader

Are you familier with the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game? There's a Spader version being played out at the James Spader Meeting Place. JamesSpader.org frequent contributor Imamess enjoys the game and has kindly shared rather interesting research with all of us.

From Imamess: "IMDb is a great resource for any questions I have about James Spader movies and co-stars. Using IMDb as a resource, I've compiled cast lists for all his movies."

Alphabetical by co-stars [30 pages; 123k; pdf]

Sorted by movie  [12 pages; 109k; pdf]

Co-star Trivia [compiled by Imamess]

1. Number of actors James Spader has appeared with 4 times: 1  [Eric Stoltz]
2. Number of actors James Spader has appeared with 3 times: 1  [Andrew McCarthy]
3. Number of actors/actresses James Spader has appeared with only 2 times: 30
Ann Talman, Brad Sullivan, Chris Mulkey, Deborah Kara Unger, Donnie Kehr, Erick Avari, Estelle Getty, Graham Timbes, Jami Gertz, Jean De Baer, Jeff Daniels, Jeremy Piven, Jim Haynie, John Cusack, John Philbin, Judah Katz, Leslie Stefanson, Mandy Patinkin, Martin Hewitt, Oz Perkins, Paul Guilfoyle, Peter Gallagher, Philip Bosco, Robert Downey Jr., Robert Miano, Robin Tunney, Sam Shepard, Shawne Rowe, Susan Sarandon, Tom Atkins
4. Number of actors/actresses James Spader has appeared with only 1 time: 1,290

Below is a list of credits to James Spader's acting career. [credit: IMDb]

"Boston Legal" (2004) TV Series .... Alan Shore
Shadow of Fear (2004) .... William Ashbury
"The Practice" (1997) TV Series .... Alan Shore (2003-2004)
Alien Hunter (2003) .... Julian Rome
I Witness (2003) .... Douglas Draper
The Pentagon Papers (2003) (TV) .... Daniel Ellsberg
Secretary (2002) .... E. Edward Grey
Speaking of Sex (2001) .... Dr. Klink
The Stickup (2001) .... Parker
Slow Burn (2000) .... Marcus
The Watcher (2000) .... Joel Campbell
Supernova (2000) .... Nick Vanzant
Curtain Call (1999) .... Stevenson Lowe
"Seinfeld" (1997) (TV) .... Jason 'Stanky' Hanky
Critical Care (1997) .... Dr. Werner Ernst
Driftwood (1997) .... The Man
Keys to Tulsa (1997) .... Ronnie Stover
2 Days in the Valley (1996) .... Lee Woods
Crash (1996) .... James Ballard
Stargate (1994) .... Dr. Daniel Jackson
Wolf (1994) .... Stewart Swinton
Dream Lover (1994) .... Ray Reardon
The Music of Chance (1993) .... Jack Pozzi
Bob Roberts (1992) .... Chuck Marlin
Storyville (1992) .... Cray Fowler
True Colors (1991) .... Tim Gerrity
White Palace (1990) .... Max Baron
Bad Influence (1990) .... Michael Boll
The Rachel Papers (1989) .... Deforest
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989) .... Graham
Jack's Back (1988) .... John/Rick Westford
Wall Street (1987) .... Roger Barnes
Less Than Zero (1987) .... Rip
Baby Boom (1987) .... Ken Arrenberg
Mannequin (1987) .... Mr. Richards
Pretty in Pink (1986) .... Steff
Starcrossed (1985) (TV) .... Joey Callaghan
The New Kids (1985) .... Eddie Dutra
Tuff Turf (1985) .... Morgan Hiller
Family Secrets (1984) (TV) .... Lowell Everall
"The Family Tree" (1983) TV Series .... Jake Nichols (1983)
A Killer in the Family (1983) (TV) .... Donny Tison
Diner (1983) (TV) .... Fenwick
Cocaine: One Man's Seduction (1983) (TV) .... Buddy Gant
Endless Love (1981) (as Jimmy Spader) .... Keith
Team-Mates (1978) .... Jimmy



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